In the spirit of over-sharing that is this website, I thought I’d post the text from a recent short “speech” I gave in front of about 100 forgiving witnesses.
It’s part of a cool new project launched by my friend Robin Weinberg, who has an Oral History Master of Arts degree from Columbia and is clearly much smarter than me. It’s called WestportVoices, and it is a collection of local community members willing to share their personal stories and spark conversations. The first theme is centered around stories of Transformation, and most of them are incredibly moving, emotional and inspiring.
My story isn’t.
But Robin thought my current personal and professional changes would make for an interesting segment, so I agreed to participate. She interviewed me (along with nine other much more compelling subjects) and posted the audio highlights online and at the Westport Library. You can visit the site here.

Robin also asked several of us to speak at a launch event at the Library last month, and I thought I’d take that opportunity to update my transformation journey. The gist: my midlife crisis has now officially expanded (mostly around my waistline). Read on, please.
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